Gib mir Schmalzkuchen, Licht und Euro-Dance Tracks. Das ist alles, was ich von Dir erwarte, liebes Volksfest! Auf ein bis drei Foto-Spaziergänge auf dem Hamburger Dom
Auch jedem Ende wohnt ein Zauber inne - Das hätte Hermann Hesse vielleicht in sein Gedicht geschrieben, wenn er zu Saison-Ende in den Urlaub gefahren wäre.
It was on the news last week: Germany is going to close down and remove public payphones from the streets. Time to make one final call and say goodbye.
Nosferatu is an artsy horror film which premiered 100 years ago, in 1922. It´s about a vampire. But what if this vampire was a camera nerd? What would his pictures look like? Let´s have a walk through Lübeck, where some of the scenes were shot.
When it comes to photography, autumn can be a tough time. So why not visit the traditional Hamburg fish market, where you can buy fruits, plants, obviously fish and: budget-friendly flowers that make a most welcome blur of colour in your harbour pictures.
It’s the year 2022 and I am starting a blog about my analogue photography – why am I doing this? An Introduction.
One thing I really like about analogue photography is the possibility of making double exposures. Let me show you three examples of how I combined flowers and portraits.